Connect Ed 9/1/2024
Thank you all for an incredible first week at Piedmont High School. Our students did a great job during our back-to-school safety and security meetings. During these meetings, we covered a variety of topics regarding school safety and our daily expectations. Below you will find our weekly updates and reminders.
WEEKLY SCHEDULE UPDATE: All UCPS schools will be closed on Monday, September 2nd in observance of Labor Day. We will resume a normal schedule on Tuesday, September 3rd.
POLICY EXPECTATIONS: Over the last five days, students were given leniency on several high school policies including dress code, cell phones and our tardy policy. Beginning Tuesday, September 3rd, all students will be held accountable for following all school rules and policies. Again, students have had the opportunity to cover these policies with teachers during class, as well as during our grade-level meetings.
MORNING ARRIVAL: Our building opens at 8:00 a.m. for all students. For those arriving prior to 8:00, our cafeteria will be open at 7:30. Students may enter through the glass doors between the cafeteria and the auditorium. All car riders must be dropped off using the Love Mill Rd entrance. DO NOT drop off students using the Sikes Mill Rd. entrance.
BUS RIDERS: Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine our bus routes. Please understand that driver shortages may cause daily changes to our bus routes. We encourage all bus riders to download the Edulog Parent Portal app for the most up-to-date information for bus arrivals/departures. You can find additional information on the UCPS webpage located here: https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/domain/125. Students will also have the opportunity to meet with an Assistant Principal during lunches to confirm their afternoon bus route.
STUDENT PARKING: As a reminder, all students who park on campus must have 24-25 Piedmont High School parking pass. There are still parking spaces available in the Stadium Lot. Please visit the Student Parking page on our school website to purchase. Any student who parks on campus without a pass will be subject to fines. It is important for all students to park in their assigned parking spot every day. If you have any parking questions, please get in touch with Amanda Starnes at AmandaR.Starnes@ucps.k12.nc.us or 704-296-3170.
SCHEDULE CHANGES/CORRECTIONS: The Schedule Correction link is closed. Our counselors are currently working to correct any previous schedule correction requests. Thank you for your patience as they work through all requests. Schedule change requests will not be reviewed by email, phone, or in-person to be fair to all students.
PASS/FAIL COURSE OPPORTUNITY: Pass/Fail forms are available for students each day in the cafeteria. Forms must be submitted to the counseling office by Tuesday, September 10th. Students are eligible to take one course per year as a pass/fail. Graduation requirement courses cannot be taken pass/fail unless the student is taking credit recovery. For any questions about pass/fail, please see your counselor or an administrator.
ATTENDANCE REPORTING (NEW PROCEDURE FOR 2024-2025): UCPS has created an online system for reporting all student absences. UCPS Absence Reporting Form is linked here. You must set up an account in order to report absences this year. There is a way to upload medical/court documents in this form as well. ONLY parents are permitted to set up an absence reporting account and the email used MUST match the parent email on record with the school, or the account will be deleted along with any absences reported. Please be sure that you are using the email account that we send our weekly Connect Ed message to each week.
FRESHMAN PARENT SITE-BASED REPRESENTATIVE: Any parent of a ninth-grade student is welcome to apply to be a member of our school’s Site-Based Management Team. Please visit the Site Based Management Team page on our website link: Site-Based Leadership Webpage for more information regarding the role of the Site Based Management Team and the link to apply. All applications must be submitted by September 6, 2024.
STUDENT BREAKFAST & LUNCH: The federal waiver granting all students free breakfast and lunch has expired. We encourage all families to complete the free/reduced lunch form found here: https://www.lunchapplication.com. If students have not been approved for free/reduced lunch, they are expected to pay for their lunch until they are approved. Families are able to pre-pay for lunch accounts and check student balances using the K12 Payment Center website found here: https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/.
TECHNOLOGY: Students who do not have their new laptops will have an opportunity to receive their laptops on the first day of school. As a reminder, UCPS has implemented a $30 tech fee for all students. You may pay online 2024-2025 Piedmont High Tech Fee Link or at the school by cash or check. If you qualify for free and reduced lunch, you will receive a tech fee waiver once you have submitted a copy of the lunch approval letter to our Bookkeeper, Gini Wilson.
STUDENT NEWS AND WEEKLY CALENDAR OF EVENTS: At the beginning of each week, Piedmont High will publish a brief document of weekly events and updates. Please click the following link to see all the activities taking place at Piedmont. Again, the link will update on the first Instructional day of each week. Student News and Weekly Event Calendar Link.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call Piedmont High at 704-296-3170. Thank you and have a great evening.