Dress Code at Parkwood Middle

    • Dresses, shorts, and skirts must be top of the kneecap length when the student is standing. Slits in skirts must also follow the same guidelines. This guideline must apply to the clothing as it is worn in a natural state. Students who must pull or tug excessively at their clothing in order to comply with this policy will be found to be in violation.
    • No cut t-shirts, spaghetti straps, off-the-shoulder tops, mesh tops, tube tops, or halter tops are allowed. Sleeveless tops can be worn only if the straps are 2 inches wide measured by a ruler and bra straps are not visible.
    • No clothing that is to be worn as an undergarment shall be visible. Parts of the body that are normally covered by undergarments should not be visible.
    • No midriffs should show; shirts must be longer than the waistline of skirts, shorts, or pants.
    • No deep-plunging shirts; all shirts should adequately cover the upper body, shown. Necklines that expose any cleavage are not permitted. Students who must pull or tug excessively at their clothing in order to comply with this policy will be found to be in violation.
    • No exposed skin through holes, rips, or mesh allowed above top of the kneecap length.
    • Shirts, sweatshirts, blouses, or shorts that are worn with leggings, spandex pants/shorts, or yoga pants must be fingertip length.
    • Pants must be worn on the waist. Pants also should not reveal underclothing (boxers, shorts, etc.) and/or bare skin.
    • Bedroom shoes, slippers or pajamas are not permitted.
    • Neck bands or bracelets may not be worn if they have metal spikes protruding from them.
    • Wallet chains or any chains on clothing and/or are not to be worn as they present a safety hazard.
    • Clothing and other items may not display, advertise, or promote any product or activity that is illegal or that is not permitted at school. Words or symbols that are vulgar, obscene, or insulting for a person, group, or gender are prohibited.
    • Gang attire (including but not limited to clothing with sewn-in bandanas, etc.) and gang symbols are prohibited on campus at all times. Please refer to Union County Public School Policy on Prohibition of Gangs and Gang Activities located in the UCPS student handbook for details.
    • No hats, hoods, bandanas, headscarves, sunglasses, or gloves; non-prescription eyewear is not permitted. No headgear of any kind.
    • No costumes, masks, or face paint allowed unless for educational purposes with prior administrative approval.

    Students in violation of the dress code have four options:

    1. Change into appropriate attire that they may have with them.
    2. Change into appropriate attire issued to them from the office.
    3. Change into appropriate attire brought to them from home.
    4. Go to ISS for the school day.

    *The faculty and administration reserve the right to question and discourage any attire considered in poor taste or disruptive to the educational process.