Absences, Tardies, Early Dismissals


    • Absences      

      • If a student is absent from school, please send the student to school with a parental note or doctor’s note when the student returns to school. All absences are recorded as unexcused until a note is submitted. Notes are due within three days of the absence and can be turned in to the homeroom teacher or our Data Manager, Crystal Davis.
      • Five parent notes can be accepted during a semester. After five, a doctor’s note may be required.
      • Students must be in school for a total of 3-1/2 hours in order to be counted present for the day. Example: Students arriving late for school must be in before 12:45 p.m. in order to be marked present for the full day. Students who are signed out prior to 12:45 p.m. will be marked absent. On early release days, students must be in school the whole time to be counted present.
      • An Educational Opportunity Absence needs to be approved by the principal prior to the student being out.  Each student is allowed two (2) educational opportunity absences per school year. Forms are available in the front office of the school.

      *If a student has a chronic or on-going medical condition that will cause the student to have an excessive amount of absences, please contact our data manager, Crystal Davis.


      • Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. are late and will receive a tardy pass to class. 
      • Students with five unexcused tardies will be required to attend recovery at a time and date designated by administration. 
      • Parents/students will be notified via a letter/phone call from the school with a scheduled time and date for the required recovery time. 

      Early Dismissals

      • If you are aware of a doctor/dentist or any other appointment for your child, please send the student to school with a note indicating your child’s first name, last name, time to be released and phone number where you can be reached. If someone other than the parent is picking up your child, written permission with the person’s name must be included in the note, and a Photo ID will be required when the student is picked up for dismissal.  This minimizes interruptions of instructional time.
      • The last early dismissal for the day is 3:00 p.m. Students will not be dismissed after 3:00 p.m. Any student needing to be dismissed after 3:00 p.m. will be placed on the car rider list to come out as a car rider.
      • All students must be picked up by a parent or authorized person.  Any person picking up a child must have their driver’s license with them to have that student released.  Please ring the bell and show your ID, and your student will be sent out.
      • All early dismissals and tardies will be marked unexcused until an original doctor’s note has been turned in or faxed directly from the doctor’s office. All notes should be received within three days of absence or early dismissal. 


       Please contact our data manager, Crystal Davis at crystal.davis@ucps.k12.nc.us with any attendance questions.