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Cougar Chronicle
The main form of communication between the school and home is the Cougar Chronicle, which is created by the school and sent home on a weekly basis. In order to receive this email, you must have your email registered in our student database system. Past issues of the Cougar Chronicle are listed below. If you have not received the latest issue, please send an email (or call) Mr. William Smith, with your current email address. If you prefer not to provide your email address, you can get the updated issues on this webpage. A hard copy of each issue will be kept in the main school office if a parent would like to stop in to read it.
2024-2025: Volume 12
2023-2024: Volume 11
2022-2023: Volume 10
2021-2022: Volume 9
2020-2021: Volume 8
2019-2020-Volume 7