Site-Based Management Team

  • The cornerstone of the NC educational process is the "The ABCs of Public Education." This educational effort seeks to raise student achievement statewide through increased accountability and local control in educational decision-making. Mandated in this law, is the formation of "Site-based Management Teams" (SbMTs) at all North Carolina schools. These teams are chartered with the authority to guide much of the operational and educational processes of the school. This site-based management approach shifts decision-making from the state, superintendent and school board to those with a personal, vested interest in this community:our school’s educational staff and parents.

    The Site-based Management Team of Cuthbertson High School is comprised of teachers representing each department, parent representatives elected by the parents through the PTSO, and the principal. The members of the SbMT work together to implement plans and processes that promote learning, create a safe and effective educational environment, and assist each and every child in reaching their maximum potential.

    The SbMT has worked together to develop and publish a “School Improvement Plan”, which can be found along with the minutes of the meetings on the school’s website and in the Main Office. This plan outlines the objectives our school is implementing to strengthen student performance in accordance with the requirements set by the State Board of Education, and the specific criteria with which we intend to measure our progress toward these goals. The plan incorporates goals for increasing student performance, safety and security, professional development of staff, supporting parental involvement, equity, and more effective school operation. This plan is annually submitted for approval by the Union County Board of Education and periodically reviewed by outside organizations.

    The issues discussed by the Cuthbertson SbMT are varied and wide-reaching. The team plans how state and local funding for the school will be spent annually, and recommends suggestions to the PTSO for additional school needs. The team submits requests to the county for on-going capital improvements, and determines how to best implement state and county policies within the school. Feedback is provided to the staff on activities to promote collaboration with parents. The SbMT researches new ways to increase the effectiveness of the dedicated teaching staff and focuses on the needs of each and every individual student. The team seeks to support the efforts of the teachers within the student’s homes, and the efforts of the families within the school. Parent team members are charged with bringing forth the concerns, ideas, questions and issues of all parents.

    The Cuthbertson High School Site-based Management Team meets the third Wednesday of the month at 3:05 p.m. in the Media Center Conference Room. Each month, minutes of the team’s meeting will be reported on the school’s website. Parents and staff members are encouraged to help us in improving all areas of education at Cuthbertson High School. Your opinions, suggestions and needs are important.