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Standardized Testing Information (ACT/SAT)
Students planning on applying to a four-year college should plan to take either the SAT or ACT at least twice. Students tend to do better on one test than the other, so we recommend taking both and then taking the one on which you scored higher at least one more time. Scores tend to increase the second time.
- For more information on the SAT or to register for a test, visit:
- For more information on the ACT or to register for a test, visit:
**Students who receive free or reduced lunch or who qualify for other federally determined financial requirements may receive fee waivers to take each test two times free of charge. See your Counselor for more information**
Standardized Testing Resources
Khan Academy: SAT Prep
SAT Practice with Collegeboard
All UCPS students have access to self-paced ACT/SAT practice through a program called Albert. Students should log in using Clever (found on their student startup page) Tutorial: Albert Log-In for ACT/SAT Practice Exercises