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9th Grade
The 9th grade year is an important transition both socially and academically. We want to make sure we are working together to ensure the best possible success for each student.
Tips for a Successful 9th Grade:
- Participate in extracurricular activities - Clubs/Organizations at Forest Hills
- Community service - volunteer hours are required by some clubs and look great on college applications!
- Plan your courses - know your options for courses/academies and take classes that will help you meet your post-secondary goals. Your School Counselors are happy to assist you with this process!
- Start your resume - this could be a resume you plan to use for a job after graduation or for college. These two types of resumes would look different. See your School Counselor if you need some ideas on how to start this!
- Earn good grades - even if you took high school courses as a middle schooler, your GPA begins your 9th grade year.
- Come to school - attendance is a big factor in a successful school year! Be aware of the attendance policy and try to miss as few days as possible.
- Establish strong relationships - choose friends who are a positive influence! Get to know your teachers and School Counselor, as well as other staff members.
- Be responsible for your learning - ask questions if you do not understand, attend tutoring, stay organized and develop strong study habits!
Helpful Links
Parents! Use these directions to become a Canvas observer in your student's courses. This is a great way to track your student's progress in their courses. Observers are not able to submit work on behalf of the students they observe, but they can see student grades, assignments, and calendar events.