12th Grade

  • Welcome Senior Class! 

    Each year, seniors will work directly with their School Counselor during a one-on-one meeting. This meeting will include a conversation on current academic standing, post-secondary goals, and any concerns the student may have about senior year or their plans for after graduation.

    Senior Information Night Presentation


    College Advising

    Each counselor is set up to meet with students/parents/guardians regarding college.  Appointment times can be scheduled via email to the student's current school counselor.

    A-Cor: Katherine Menacho- katherine.menacho@ucps.k12.nc.us

    Cou-Hel: Joanna Ellis- joanna.ellis@ucps.k12.nc.us

    Hem-Mc: Marcus Clyburn- marcus.clyburn@ucps.k12.nc.us

    Me-Sal: Christi Ponder- christi.ponder@ucps.k12.nc.us

    San-Z: Shannon Thomas- shannon.thomas@ucps.k12.nc.us


    General Reminders:

    • Use a personal email address for any accounts you create for college or for other plans after high school. Your student email account will expire once you graduate from high school.
    • Use your full name as it appears on your birth certificate on any accounts you create for college. This is important because it will match your transcript.
    • Be aware of deadlines for applications and for scholarships. You may need to start preparing some materials further in advance than you realize (like recommendations or essays).

    Reminders for Four-Year College-Bound and Two-Year College-Bound Students:

    • Log into your SCOIR Account. SCOIR is the platform UCPS uses to send colleges your transcripts and to submit letters of recommendation. Once you decide on which university you will attend, you will update your SCOIR account with this information so your final transcript can be sent.
    • Create a CFNC Account. This is the account you will use to apply to community colleges and/or four-year colleges.  It is also the account you will use to complete RDS. Once you have created your account, click on "apply for college" and then "application hub." You will be able to start your applications there. You will be choosing "undergraduate application" from the options available.
    • If you are applying to three or more four-year colleges, create a Common App Account. You will want to copy and paste your Common App ID into your SCOIR personal details page so the two accounts are linked. For some schools, you will need to write a common essay for this account. If you have any questions about the essay, feel free to reach out to Ms. Chandler or look at the essay writing section on the Forest Hills College Advising Website.
    • Complete the Residency Determination Service (RDS). Public four-year colleges offer in-state tuition (a discounted tuition rate) to North Carolina residents. They also reserve a certain number of spaces for North Carolina residents in their incoming first-year class. This form is super important to fill out before you apply!  Schedule a meeting with Ms. Chandler or use the Forest Hills College Advising Website for more information on what you need to gather to complete this form.
    • Double-check to see if a college requires recommendations. If it does, then ask your teacher at least two weeks in advance.
    • The 2024-25 FAFSA opens on December 1st! 

    Seniors are encouraged to check out this link to view information on application deadlines, class sizes, average GPA/test scores, and links to each school's scholarship website.