Student Life
Page Navigation
- Student Life at WHS
- Clubs and Organizations
- Additional Links
- Can I Request a Schedule Change?
- Class of 2025 - Transcript Timeline
- Class Schedule - Holes & Requesting a Change
- Counselor Caseload Assignments
- Counselor Introductions
- IEP and 504
- NC / SC Colleges
- New to Weddington Cluster Student Enrollment Process
- Schedule Change Request Form
- School Counseling CANVAS
- SPCC - Career and College Promise
- Performing Arts Events
- Student Parking
School Counseling Canvas
The School Counseling Department is thrilled to introduce the School Counseling Canvas page. This resource was created with the student in mind and is a collection of text, videos, PPT's, handouts... specific to topics outside of daily academic work. The School Counseling Canvas page is a work in progress as the landscape of education changes by the day. Announcements and updates are posted weekly. Connect today by visiting WHS Schoolwide Canvas.
Students Canvas Connection
An email was sent to all students with a link to join the page. Please take a moment to accept the invitation. Additionally, students can self-enroll in the course URL: Alternatively, they can sign up at and use the following join code: GAHE49Parents: Become a Canvas Observer:
- Canvas Observer
- The information (videos and links) below will help you learn how to become an observer for your student in Canvas. When you are asked to go to the main canvas site. You need to start here. Start by going to this website: and create an account if you do not already have one. It will ask you for a pair observer number (make sure you have this first) Account Registration and Student Pairing (Observers)
Account Registration and Student Pairing (Observers)
- In this video, you will learn about observer account registration and how to link students to your account using a student pairing code.
Canvas Overview for Observers
- In this video, you will learn about the Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation links, and about basic course navigation to view assignment details and grades.
Canvas Parent App
- In this video you will learn how to use the Canvas Parent app. The steps in this video are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps. Most of this video was created using an iOS device. Any differences for Android users are noted.
The WHS School Counseling Canvas page contains the following modules:
- 9th grade college checklist
- 10th grade college checklist
- 11th grade college checklist
- 12th grade college checklist
- 504's
- AP Testing
- Articles
- Career and Technology Education
- College Application
- College Application Guidebook, 12th grade
- College Application Guidebook, 11th grade
- College Essay
- College Tours
- Coalition Application
- Common Application
- Covid-19
- Finanical Planning
- Gap Year
- Leadership
- Mental Health Support
- Military
- New Student Information
- Parent University
- Program of Studies
- Scholarships
- Standardized Testing
- Special Populations
- Summer Opportunities
- Wellness
- WHS Forms
- WHS Videos