Student Life
Page Navigation
- Student Life at WHS
- Clubs and Organizations
- Additional Links
- Can I Request a Schedule Change?
- Class of 2025 - Transcript Timeline
- Class Schedule - Holes & Requesting a Change
- Counselor Caseload Assignments
- Counselor Introductions
- IEP and 504
- NC / SC Colleges
- New to Weddington Cluster Student Enrollment Process
- Schedule Change Request Form
- School Counseling CANVAS
- SPCC - Career and College Promise
- Performing Arts Events
- Student Parking
Services for Students with an IEP and/or 504
Weddington High School
- Students with a documented disability (IEP or 504 plan) may be eligible for accommodations on CollegeBoard tests (i.e., SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP, PSAT). If you are seeking accommodations on a CollegeBoard test, you must complete a Student Eligibility Form. You can locate the forms here. If you have questions please see Mrs. Washington in the counseling office or visit Services for Students with Disabilities.
- Students with a 504 or an IEP may also be eligible to receive accommodations on the ACT test, information on that can be found here or by contacting the counseling office for more information.
- Please reach out to Mrs. Smith ( once one or both of the forms are complete.
Post-secondary Students with Disabilities
- WHS Counseling Canvas Page
- CFNC - Students with Disabilities
- College Guide for Students with Disabilities