Student Life
Page Navigation
- Student Life at WHS
- Clubs and Organizations
- Additional Links
- Can I Request a Schedule Change?
- Class of 2025 - Transcript Timeline
- Class Schedule - Holes & Requesting a Change
- Counselor Caseload Assignments
- Counselor Introductions
- IEP and 504
- NC / SC Colleges
- New to Weddington Cluster Student Enrollment Process
- Schedule Change Request Form
- School Counseling CANVAS
- SPCC - Career and College Promise
- Performing Arts Events
- Student Parking
Student Life at Weddington High
Student life at Weddington High is unrivaled! Not only do our students thrive inside the classroom, but they can choose from many extracurricular activities, such as athletics and student clubs and organizations.
Students receive an endless amount of support from teachers and staff in the areas of counseling, mental health resources, school health, and more!
Every student can chart their unique path to success and develop friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!
For Students
Social and Emotional Support
- If you need immediate assistance, dial 911.
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Hours 24/7 with English/Spanish Licensed Clinician
Community Resources
- Behavioral Health Emergency Rooms Atrium Health Behavioral Health Center
- Address: 501 Billingsley Rd., Charlotte, NC 28211
- Phone: 704-444-2400
- Monarch Youth Crisis Center
- Address: 1810 Back Creek Dr., Charlotte, NC 28213
- Phone: 1-866-272-7826
- Novant Health Main E
- Address: 200 Hawthorne Ln, Charlotte, NC 28204
- Phone: 704-384-4000
Counseling Services
- Day Mark Recovery Services (walk-ins accepted)
- Phone: 704-296-6200
- Center for Emotional Health (CEH)
- Phone: 704-966-8206
- Thrive Counseling Services, PLLC
- Phone: 704-438-9901
- KinderMourn
- Phone: 704-376-2580
- Northeast Psychiatric Services
- Phone: 704-403-1877
- Southeast Psych
- Phone: 704-552-0116
- Cano Family Services, PLLC (bilingual therapists)
- Phone: 980-313-3020
- Providence South Clinical Associates
- Phone: 704-243-0326
- Manu Counseling (English, Hindi, Gujarati)
- Phone: 919-342-8859
Additional Resources
- Mental Health America
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Union County
- Phone: 704-292-2287
- The NAMI Teen and Young Adult (TYA)
- HelpLine 1-800-950-6264, chat at or text “Friend” to 62640 or email
- Your Life, Your Voice
- or text voice to 20121
- National Hopeline Network
- Phone: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
- Kevin Hines
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Youth America Hotline Counseling for Teens by Teens
- Phone: 1-877-YOUTHLINE (Chat live with a volunteer)
- |
- Phone: 1-877-YOUTHLINE (Chat live with a volunteer)
- Steve Smith Family Behavioral Health Urgent Care
- Phone: 704-273-3942
- Atrium Health Behavioral Hotline
- Phone: 704-444-2400
- Novant
- Phone: 1-800-718-3550
Student Resources
General Information
- Bell Schedule
- Driver Education
- Request for Health Information from our School Nurse
- Student Handbook
Academic Resources
Student Support Team
Ms. Rebecca Wiles - 9th and 10th grade counselor - students A-L
* Email: Quincy Smith – 9th and10th grade counselor - students M-Z
* Email: Mallika Rajan - 11th & 12th grade counselor - students A-G
* Email: Jackie Washington - 11th & 12th grade counselor - students H-Q
* Email: Mary Jordan - 11th & 12th grade counselor - students R-Z
* Email: Social Worker – Stacy Lopez
* Email: Therapist – Joe Walker
* Email:
Technology Services Resources
Guidelines, Policies & Procedures
- Technology Donation Guidelines
- Copyright Guidelines from the UCPS BOE Policy Manual
- 5-01 Selection of Instructional Materials
- Responsibility For Selecting Media
- Objectives For Selecting Media
- Criteria For Selecting Media
- Procedures For Selecting And Maintaining The Media Collection
- Procedures For Challenged Materials
- Request For Reconsideration Of Instructional Material
- 5-01 Administrative Guidelines
- 5-01 Form
- 5-02 Copyright
- 5-20 Computers, Networks and Related Technology
- 5-21 Internet Safety
- 5-22 Social Media
- 5-01 Selection of Instructional Materials
Apps and Services
Tutorials for Students and Parents
- LANSchool Share Screen Prompt
- How to Care for your Chromebook Video
- UCPS Chromebook General Care and Precautions
- Chromebook FAQ
- How To Connect a Chromebook to the Internet
- How To Sign In To Student ZSCALER
- How To Save a File on Google Drive
- How To Print from a Chromebook
- Sign In and Use Teams
- Claim your account in NCEdcloud
- Claiming Your NCEdCloud Parent Account
- Fix authorization problems for Google access inside of Canvas
- How to Take Screen Shots on a Chromebook
- Student Chromebook Booklet
- Electrical Safety
- How to Transfer a File from Google Drive
UCPS partners with Project 10Million
Project 10Million is an initiative aimed at delivering internet connectivity to millions of underserved student households at no cost to them. Project 10Million offers 100GBs/year of free data and free mobile hotspots to eligible students participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP)--one per household. Schools will need to identify and qualify students as being NSLP-participants. Applications for the National School Lunch Program are available online at or by contacting your school’s cafeteria. Approval letters are sent to qualifying students and the letter must be presented to the School Hotspot Administrator to prove eligibility for the Project 10Million program. Schools will then request a hotspot for the eligible student from Technology Services and it will be available for the student to pick up at the school.
UCPS has applied for Emergency Connectivity Funding through USAC to provide devices to students who are not eligible for the Project 10Million program. Funding announcements will be made in September. At this time there are no hotspots available except through Project 10Million. Check back for updates.
Enquirer Journal Article - UCPS Distributes Hot Spots to Students