*Forms denoted with an asterisk are Required forms for ALL students*
The majority of our forms can be completed online. The Health Information Form will be sent home with all students on paper. If you need any other form in a paper version, please email and she will send the paper copies home with your student. Other forms listed are as needed.
General Forms
- *Parent Contact Information - ALL parents should complete the form each year so that the school has accurate contact information for both emergency and normal communication reasons.
- *Student Code of Conduct - PARENT Acknowledgement Form online signature form OR printable form (links to both the UCPS and PRHS handbooks are in the online form. The current year handbooks will be reviewed with students during the first week of school each year. Students will sign this at school after code of conduct review.)
- *Student Code of Conduct - STUDENT Acknowledgement Form online signature form (students MUST use student UCPS account) OR printable form (links to both the UCPS and PRHS handbooks are in the online form. The current year handbooks will be reviewed with students during the first week of school each year).
- Photo / Video Release Form - please read over the release form and agree. We want to share the awesome things students are doing with our community!
- Military Family Information form - will be sent home with students on paper. Only those with military family members need to complete and return to school. English version. Spanish version.
- Notice of Right to Withhold Consent Concerning Reproductive Issues - will be sent home with students on paper. Please return to school if appropriate. You can also print yourself here in English and Spanish .
Health Forms
- *Health Information Form.English (This form is requested for ALL students every year. A paper copy will be sent home with students at the start of the year and should be returned the next day.)
- *Health Information Form.Spanish
- Authorization for Self-Carry Medication.English
- Authorization for Self-Carry Medication.Spanish
- Medication consent form
- Medication Consent Form.Spanish
- GfellerWaller Return to Learn or Play
- This is the "Concussion form" (Gfeller-Waller Return to Learn / Return to Play form
Health and PE Form
Technology Use Forms
- Internet Use Guidelines & Resources - English and Spanish
- *Chromebook PARENT Agreement Form - required for ALL PRHS students.
- *Chromebook STUDENT Agreement Form - required for ALL PRHS students.
School Nutrition Services
- Free & reduced meal applications are now available online or at
- Paper applications are available in school office, counseling office, cafeteria
- K-12 Payment Center - set up an online account to make payments so students have money to use for lunch at school.
- School Nutrition Services Forms
Athletic Forms for PRHS - *required for all student-athletes