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Student Parking
2024-2025 Parking Information: Parking Pass Applications will open on Friday, August 9.
All students who are granted parking privileges will be charged a $40 non-refundable fee. Click here to pay. Click HERE to Register (Will go live August 11) to fill out the Parking Application. Students must be signed in to their UCPS Google account to register. If you are a new to UCPS student, then please email and he will contact you on how to register for a parking pass.
Parking on the Porter Ridge Campus is considered a privilege for students. Each student who drives to school must purchase his/her own parking tag, and may not share a tag with another student. PRHS and UCPS will assume no responsibility for damage to private vehicles driven and parked on campus. Student drivers must have appropriate auto insurance. All student drivers must be properly licensed.
Parking Passes are restricted to students in grades 10, 11, and 12. Students must have a valid driver’s license, not a learner’s permit. Students cannot purchase a pass for future needs, they must be qualified to do so now (grades 10, 11, and 12 with a valid driver’s license).
All students who are granted parking privileges will be charged a $40 non-refundable fee. Parking spot priority is to be assigned based on grade level, starting with 12th grade first, then 11th grade, then 10th grade. Students will be assigned in the order they fill out the form. Students will select a desired parking zone (refer to the map below). The actual parking spot will be assigned in your selected zone based on the purchase receipt timestamp. Once a zone is full, you will not be able to purchase a pass in that area and will be assigned to the next closest zone.
Eligibility for PRHS Student Parking
-Valid Driver’s License. Driver’s Permits are not allowed.
-Completed and Digitally Signed 2024-25 Parking Pass Application signed by the student and one parent or guardian. (In the online form). Click HERE for the form.
-Payment of $40 to the PRHS Online Payment System at this link: Click HERE to pay.
-Prior to receiving a parking permit, applicants must pay any outstanding student financial obligations. You will not be given your parking pass if you have an outstanding balance. After purchasing a parking pass, students who have an outstanding financial obligation will receive an email from our bookkeeper listing any owed fees. All fees must be paid at Online School Payments at this link: Click HERE to pay-past due fees.-Click here to pay the current $30 technology fee which must be paid.
-Please email our bookkeeper for any questions regarding fees.
-Parking passes will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.
-Choose the zone in which you wish to park. The picture of the parking lot with zones is below and the office staff will assign a spot in your designated requested zone or the closest zone to your choice.PRHS Parking Pass Purchase
Sales begin Friday, August 9.
Parking Pass Pickup
Students can pick up parking passes, Friday, August 23, from 12-3 at the Open House or on the first day of school we will give them out as students drive in the student lot. Show us your confirmation email or we can look up your parking space number. Students cannot park without a parking pass-come pick up your parking pass. Parking passes are available for sale now.
Please remember, you will not be allowed to receive a parking pass if you owe fees to the school.
Students will be allowed to purchase parking passes during the school year until we are out of available parking spots and must follow the same procedure. We will list a point of contact in the main office after the school year begins for passes during the school year.