• FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    What are the office hours on teacher workdays?

    • The main office is open from 8 am until 4 pm on teacher workdays.

    When did Porter Ridge High School open?

    • Porter Ridge High School opened in August 2005. The high school is a state of the art complex situated on a 183 acre campus that also contains Porter Ridge Middle and Elementary schools. Recent school bonds made possible by the Union County citizens over the past few years have afforded the 60 million dollar complex (including the middle, elementary, and high schools) at Porter Ridge.

    What makes the location of PRHS unique?

    • The 30 million dollar high school campus is on the South Fork of Crooked Creek, and is situated across from an environmentally protected area that is home to a rare mollusk (CAROLINA HEELSPLITTER ).  Porter Ridge High School is the second high school to be built in Union County since 1998, and Weddington High School is the prototype for the school’s design.

    How did Porter Ridge get its name?

    • The high school derives the first part of its name from Porter Byrum, a Union County attorney and landowner who graciously donated over 44 acres to the Union County Public School system on the current site where the middle school now stands. The latter part of the name comes from Ridge Road which runs in the front of all three campuses on the site.