- Donna Helms - Media Coordinator
- Mr. Mood - Computer Support
- Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.
- Computer Support
Hours: MWF 8:00 - 11:00 am; T, Th 1-3 pm - Media Center Calendar
*Email Mrs. Helms to reserve the Media Center*
Library Policies
- Students are required to have a pass to come to
the Media Center during the school day. - Students can check out books for a two-week
circulation period. - There are no overdue fees per UCPS policy;
however, students will be responsible for paying
for lost/unreturned books at the end of the school year. - Overdue notices are regularly distributed to students.
- Printing/copying is available in the Media Center.
- All printouts and copies must be for a class.
- No personal printing is allowed.
- Students can share documents with donna.helms@ucps.k12.nc.us for printing.
Computer/Technology Resources
Search for Books
- Destiny - Online Catalog
- Genre Color Codes
- Reserve a Book
- Request a Book for Purchase
- Battle of the Books
- At-Home Passwords for Databases
*Login to UCPS Google Account* - CultureGrams
- Access through NCEdCloud:
- NCpedia
- Union County Public Library Databases
- Login with student ID# and password=birth year (XXXX)
- Test Prep Resources from UCPL
Research Sources
- Purdue OWL: MLA Style Guide
- Purdue OWL: APA Style Guide
- Citation Maker
- Cite This For Me - Google App
- English IV Research Guide
Copyright Sources