- Air Force ROTC Scholarship Web Site (other Service Web Sites are listed to the left at ROTC Programs and Scholarships): http://www.afrotc.com
- SAT Web Site: http://www.collegeboard.com
- ACT Web Site: http://www.actstudent.org
- SAT/ACT Preparation Web Sites:
- The Scholarship Coach: http://www.scholarshipcoach.com/
- The College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC): http://www.cfnc.org
- Federal Financial Aid: http://www.studentaid.ed.gov and http://www.fafsa.com
- Local and National Scholarships: http:// www.cfnc.org and http://fastweb.com
- College Search Web Site: http://www.colleges.com
- CareersAndColleges.com: Offers interactive tools to help students and parents find a college, learn about financial aid, compare student loans, and research thousands of scholarship opportunities: http://www.careersandcolleges.com
- North Carolina Colleges and Universities Page: Students, parents, and educators may use this page to request college and university catalogues, admissions applications, and information about scholarships and financial aid.
- Off To College: Site for planning and preparing for college: http://www.OfftoCollege.com/