AFJROTC Cadet Leadership Course (CLC)

  • Background:  Parkwood AFJROTC attends one Cadet Leadership Course (CLC) session per year, typically in June.  This year we attended the Blue Ridge Challenge camp at Black Mountain, NC.  The concept of a cadet leadership school is almost as old as the AFJROTC program.  Instructors have long realized that a rigorous leadership camp for the most promising cadets will accomplish several things.  It will help them hone those skills which will make them more productive members of their unit. It will also provide them with the ultimate test of teamwork as they accomplish goals with cadets from other units. Finally, the cadet leadership course will boost self-confidence and esteem as the graduate achieves a level of achievement above that of many of their peers. It is an effective measure of how well the cadet has internalized the principles and training provided.

    Duration:  The CLC lasts five training days with arrival on Sunday and departure on Friday.


    Here are some pics from around the camp:

    Cadet with folded arms smiles bigAll cadets from Parkwood AFJROTC at the lakeCadet aiming bow and arrow before shootingTwo cadets show off their medalsTwo cadets laying on backs and pushing upwardCloseup of two good friendsCadet waves while on a high ropes course platformCadets walk back to the dorms after a morning physical fitness sessionCadet excited about holding the M.E.A.T. stickCadet poses while wearing his high ropes safety gearCadet sitting on the ground holding her team's potted plantCadet salutes camp cadet group commander after receiving a medal








Cadet form up for a meal at the Blue Ridge Challenge