AFROTC Scholarship Boards

  • - 1 May of High School Junior Year - High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) cycle begins on 

    - 17 Jan of High School Senior Year - Entire application must be complete by this date.

    General Eligibility Requirements

    The following requirements must be met to compete for a scholarship:

    • College Entrance Examination. Take and receive the results of the ACT or SAT college entrance examination. Applicant may mark the test registration form by using AFROTC Code 0548 to send results directly to Air Force ROTC. 

    • Academic Eligibility. Normally to be eligible for scholarship consideration, an applicant must achieve an SAT composite of 1240 or ACT composite of 26 and attain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. The majority of scholarship recipients
      have also completed some advanced placement and honors courses. If the applicant does not meet the minimum academic requirements noted above, they can still apply if they have other outstanding leadership credentials. If the applicant is low in one area (for example, ACT/SAT) but is strong in another (for example, top 10% of class) they may still be eligible.

      NOTE: An original certified official high school transcript (grades 9th through 11th), ACT or SAT test scores, the PFA Letter of Certification, a one-page resume, and Extracurricular Activities Sheet must be obtained and postmarked to the High School Scholarship Section by early Jan (check AFROTC website for date). It is highly recommended that all mail sent to the High School Scholarship Section be sent via return receipt mail. The ACT/SAT, Resume, and PFA can be faxed.


    • Become a citizen of the United States prior to scholarship activation.
    • Graduate from a high school or have an equivalent certificate.
    • Be 17 years old prior to scholarship activation.
    • Be under 31 years old as of Dec 31 of the year you will commission (i.e., become an officer). If the applicant has prior active-duty military service, write or call the High School Scholarship Section for details on extending the age limit.
    • Prior to the fall academic term, cannot be enrolled full time at a college or a university except in the joint high school/college program.
    • Cannot be a single parent. Waivers may be requested through HQ AFROTC/RRFP.
    • Submit all miscellaneous documentation including: Physical Fitness Assessment Letter, one-page resume, personal statements, extracurricular activity sheet, and the counselor certification package.

    Interview Tips

    1. There are several things a student can do to ensure their strengths will be adequately communicated to the selection board. Here’s a list of things to do and a few common mistakes students might want to avoid:

    a. DO arrive at the interview on time. If delayed, call ahead to explain the delay and the reason will be relayed to the board. Arriving late without an explanation communicates that you don’t consider the interview to be very important.

    b. DO dress appropriately. The interviewer won’t be wearing shorts and tank top, so you shouldn't either.

    c. DO think carefully ahead of time about what you’d like to see in your Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) recommendation, and come prepared to discuss those things specifically. Bring notes if you want. They are looking for situations or tasks you’ve been assigned, specific Actions, and most importantly, results.

    d. DO be sincere. Look them in the eye, speak clearly, and don’t hedge. The interviewer will be asking straightforward questions, and will be looking for the same kind of answers.

    e. DO ask questions. If you knew everything they know about the scholarship or the Air Force, they probably wouldn’t need to conduct an interview. When you ask questions, the interviewer gets the impression you are ambitious, eager to learn, and inquisitive-just the type of person they’re looking for!

    f. DO practice going through an interview with your parents or a friend. If you practice talking about yourself a few times, it won’t feel as awkward when you go to see the interviewer.

    g. DO bring a resume or evidence of achievements. A resume is a key instrument reviewed by the board.

    h. DON’T make your parents set up the arrangements for the interview; understand they cannot stay with you through the discussion. Most of them are responsible citizens and the interviewer is often interested in meeting them, but few of them can qualify for the scholarship.  Remember, you are the one being evaluated.

    i. DON’T sell yourself short by assuming something you have done wasn’t significant. For example, the interviewer probably doesn't trust everyone in the neighborhood with their children, so if someone trusts you enough to leave their children in your care, it’s significant.

    j. DON’T make the interviewer drag information out of you. They will interview many students this year and have a special place in their heart for those who come prepared to sell themselves. Anticipate questions and tell them what you want them to know. This is a job interview!

    k. DON’T be afraid. So far, every student who enters the interviewer's office has survived. The interviewer knows the experience can be stressful, and is on your side. It’s OK to be concerned, but please don’t be afraid.

    2. These suggestions will apply to any interview, not just the Air Force ROTC program. An hour-long first impression is a true challenge for you to sell yourself and your capabilities. Make the most of it by being prepared - control your future.