Sophomore College Counseling
Sophomore Timeline
- Continue to enroll in challenging courses. Remember universities will look at your grades beginning in 9th grade. Consider taking Honors and/or AP level classes if you are recommended by your teachers and you believe you can be successful in them.
- Continue to look for “study groups” within your classes. Make friends with like-minded goals and interests.
- Continue investing in clubs and/or sports. Pick activities you think you might like to stick with throughout high school.
- Update your CFNC account and begin taking “virtual tours” of college campuses. Research admissions requirements for universities you’re interested in.
- Start using the free SAT and ACT test prep at
- If interested, apply for the IB program:
- Update your portfolio/resume. This should include awards, summer activities, jobs, volunteer hours, etc.
- Summer activities: begin or continue volunteering for an organization you’re interested in; start preparing for the ACT and/or SAT; check out the Summer Opportunities page on the MRHS Counseling Website (posted toward the end of the school year) for study abroad/college immersion opportunities.
Helpful Websites