Academic Counseling
- Every Marvin Ridge High School teacher offers virtual office hours on Fridays. Please reach out to them to set up a time to meet.
- Peer tutoring is also available before and after school through the National Honor Society as well as through our Maverick Ambassadors Program.
Services for Students with Disabilities
- If your child has a documented disability (IEP or 504 plan), they may be eligible for accommodations on CollegeBoard tests (i.e., SAT, SAT Subject Tests, AP, PSAT). If you are seeking accommodations on a CollegeBoard test, you must complete a Student Eligibility Form. You can locate the forms here. If you have questions please see Mr. Shocki in the counseling office or visit Services for Students with Disabilities.
- Students with a 504 or an IEP may also be eligible to receive accommodations on the ACT test, information on that can be found here or by contacting the counseling office for more information.
How to receive Services for Students with Disabilities in College
- Most people share common experiences when making the transition from high school or work to college. Many college students find that they meet new friends and professors, sometimes miss their old friends and families, and have to take time to learn their way around campus. If you were to survey college students of all ages and walks of life, they would likely mention these kinds of things. Students with disabilities, however, have additional issues to consider.
- In college, unlike high school, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the office that assists students with disabilities to determine eligibility of services. Not all offices have the exact same name, but if you call the admissions office on a college campus, someone should be able to assist you in finding the right place. Students will likely not be asked to disclose any information about their disability during the admissions process, but if services or “accommodations” are desired, the student will need to meet with the appropriate college professional and provide all documentation requested by that person.
- To start the process of learning more about offices for students with disabilities at all the colleges in NC, use CFNC - Students with Disabilities to review colleges online, or call toll-free 866-866-CFNC to speak to a representative. They can help you navigate the website and answer questions about planning, applying, and paying for college. To learn more about this topic including tips for success and resources for students and families, download your free copy of the College Guide for Students with Disabilities.
Helpful Tutoring Websites