
  •  Students are able to apply for 3 types of scholarships:

      • Institutional Scholarships - These scholarships come directly from the colleges that a student is applying/accepted into. All colleges list their scholarships on their individual website. The best way to find these is through a google search. Ex. “UNCW scholarships” “Davidson College scholarships.”  These scholarships may require a separate scholarship application, or scholarships may be provided automatically with acceptance.

      • Local Scholarships - These scholarships are specific to SVHS, Union County, and our surrounding community. Most local scholarships start arriving in January through the Spring.

      • Private/Website scholarships - These scholarships are found through different websites such as the ones listed below.

    Focus most of your time looking for institutional and local scholarships and leave the website scholarship search for last!

    UCPS College Readiness and Scholarship Search

    Scholarship Websites