College application
  • Before you apply

    • Make a list of the schools you'll be applying to.
    • Determine how to apply to that school and create an account 
      • Do they use Common App, SENDedu, Coalition or another application site?
      • Do they use their own internal application on their website?
    • Make note of each school's application deadline. Most schools have an early deadline and a regular deadline. Early deadlines typically give you the best shot at acceptance and most school-based scholarship opportunities require you to submit your applicaton by the early deadline.
    • Determine if you need to submit an ACT or SAT score. Most schools are still test-optional, however there could be contigencies around that so make sure you do your research. For example, most schools will want your scores if you are applying for scholarships.
    • Make a list of teachers to request letters of recommendation from. It is courtesy to request a letter from a teacher in-person at least two weeks prior to when you need it. 

    While you're applying

    • Enter all of the schools you're applying to into Scoir. This is how your counselor will send all documents such as your transcript and letters of recommendation. 
    • After you have talked to a teacher about writing a recommendation letter you must also send an electronic request to them in Scoir so they can upload their letters. Your counselor will send these letters through Scoir. 
    • Determine if your school requires an admissions essay. If so, get working on a draft. Counselors and English teachers are available to proofread provided you give enough notice.
    • Create a FAFSA account and submit it soon after it opens. FAFSA will open in December this year (a specific date has not been release yet). Make sure you are applying for the following school year (2024-2025).
    • If you are applying for a school scholarship make sure you submit any extra paperwork and complete any extra steps for that. 
    • Send your SAT and/or ACT (if applicable)
    • Complete the Residency Determination (RDS). This is required to be considered for in-state tuition at NC schools. Upon completing the RDS you will be given an ID number. You may be prompted to submit this number on your application, or it may be requested after you've received admission to the school. More info on RDS is listed below.
    • Request an application fee waiver in Scoir, if you need one. 

    After submitting applicaton

    • Breathe a sigh of relief that you're done with the application!
    • Double check that all of the schools you applied to are in Scoir and you have listed the correct deadline for which you are applying. 
    • Follow up on any recommendation letters, if necessary.
    • When you are accepted to a college they will provide you with a financial aid package at some point. This can include scholarships, grants, work studies, and loans. We encourage families to wait until all financial aid packages have been received so you can compare what each school is offering.
    • Keep applying for scholarships



    Residency Determination Service (RDS)

    RDS is a new system that North Carolina is using to determine residency. Below are some forms that may be helpful in navigating RDS

    RDS Basics for High School Students

    Navigating FAFSA and RDS Infographic

    RDS Reconsideration and Appeals Fact Sheet

    RDS Recover Username/Reset Password

    Process to Change Errors in Profile