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Student Opportunities
2024-2025 School Year:
Guarantee Scholars Program
This program is called the Guarantee Scholars Program. The program provides its recipients the opportunity to attend UNCG while accruing little to no debt as they complete their degree. The Guarantee requires the following from their applicants:
- Recent high school or early college graduate (Graduated in December 2024 or later)
- Weighted GPA of 3.5 or greater
- North Carolina resident for tuition purposes (determined by the Residency Determination Service)
- Incoming freshman for the Fall 2025 semester
- Have an SAI of -1,500 (determined by FAFSA reporting)
Our program application is open now! If you know students who meet these criteria, please encourage them to complete the application as soon as possible, as acceptance is competitive and limited. The application can be found on our website. We do utilize FAFSA and Admissions application information to help verify eligibility, but students can still apply now even if they are waiting for admittance or FAFSA completion. The deadline for program applications is March 15th, 2025.
For more information about the UNCG Guarantee Program, please visit our website: We hope you'll help us share this opportunity far and wide, and we hope to see some of your students apply to this amazing program. Thank you in supporting students in their journey to higher education!
Guarantee Scholars ProgramYOUTH LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY - March 7-9, 2025
Applications are being accepted through January 16, 2025.
Leaders of the North Carolina General Assembly invite North Carolina high school students to apply for the annual Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA) slated for March 7-9, 2025, in Raleigh.
“North Carolina’s Youth Legislative Assembly offers students a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about the legislative process and to develop leadership skills that will help them succeed in life,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore. “We are proud to continue this long tradition of helping prepare our state’s future leaders.”
For information and to submit your application go to -
For more information, please email YLA Coordinator or call 919-301-1372.
Johnson and Wales CTE Scholarship Opportunity
American Legion Scholarship
Leaders of the North Carolina General Assembly invite North Carolina high school students to apply for the annual Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA) slated for March 7-9, 2025, in Raleigh.
“North Carolina’s Youth Legislative Assembly offers students a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about the legislative process and to develop leadership skills that will help them succeed in life,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and House Speaker Tim Moore. “We are proud to continue this long tradition of helping prepare our state’s future leaders.”
For information and to submit your application go to -
Application are being accepted through January 16, 2025.
For more information, please email YLA Coordinator or call 919-301-1372.
Do you need extra support in Math? Please click the link below to sign up for tutoring with Mu Alpha Theta!!
Applications are open for the U.S. Senate Youth Program for high school juniors and seniors. Two student delegates and two alternates will be selected to represent North Carolina, meet high-ranking government officials and participate in education, leadership and public service activities during Washington Week, March 1-8, 2025. Each delegate will also receive a $10,000 undergraduate college scholarship.Learn more and apply with the link below!
2023-2024 School Year:
Golden Door Scholars- This scholarship is for undocumented students and includes tuition and room and board for up to 4 years. The application deadline is October 1, 2023. NC Teaching Fellows Scholarship is open now!
United States Service Academy Application National Security Language Initiative for Youth-"The U.S. Department of State’s NSLI-Y program is part of a U.S. government initiative to foster international cooperation by ensuring that Americans have the linguistic skills and cultural knowledge necessary to effectively communicate. NSLI-Y provides overseas critical language study opportunities to American youth through merit-based scholarships to spark a lifetime interest in critical foreign languages and cultures". Application due November 2, 2023. Future Leaders Exchange Program- "FLEX Abroad provides a unique fully funded exchange experience for American high school students to build global awareness and intercultural competency. This experience positively impacts students’ personal growth and ensures global mutual understanding through direct interaction with another culture". Application due December 6, 2023.
Union County Cooperative Scholarship
Girl On The Run Coaching Opportunity
State Superintendent Truitt’s Student Advisory Council application for this school year is live!!!
The application is here: (Link HERE) and is also on the NCDPI's webpage.
This is an opportunity for high school juniors across NC to serve on Superintendent Truitt’s Student Advisory Council. -The American Legion Tar Heel Boys State (THBS) is a summer civic education program that was created to supplement the information taught in high school civics classes and provide an experiential opportunity for the leaders of tomorrow. The 2024 THBS will be held at Catawba College in Salisbury, NC on June 16-22.
In practice, THBS delegates will operate all three branches of a simulated state government and a few municipalities. Legislators will write and advocate bills on a variety of issues. The governor - supported by his cabinet - pushes initiatives and signs/vetoes bills. Supreme Court justices rule on constitutionality. Cities request funding for their projects, all in a fiscally constrained environment. They must all set priorities and serve their constituents, just like elected officials in Raleigh and around the state.
Forty-nine U.S. states operate their own Boys State in early summer, and top graduates from each state are sent to Boys Nation - another American Legion program - a few weeks later in Washington, D.C. It's also worth noting that these prestigious programs are universally recognized by college admissions and scholarship committees.
American Legion Post 208 will sponsor at least three young men for TBHS this year; in other words, we will cover the $500 tuition/room/board fee for each sponsored delegate. We plan to make selections on a first-come, first-served basis from qualified students that apply by March 28, 2024 (i.e., before Spring Break).
Wingate Woodwind Summer Camp Opportunity
Union County Outstanding FFA Member
GiGi's Playhouse Volunteer Opportunity
mirCore Summer Camp Flyer 2024