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Student Enrollment
Welcome to Cuthbertson High School where we are connecting students to the world!
Listed below includes information that you must have to enroll your child(ren) at Cuthbertson High School. Please schedule an appointment, Monday- Friday from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm to process your enrollment packet. To confirm that you reside in the Cuthbertson High School district please click on the Edulog School Assignment Finder.
Contained in this packet are the following forms:- Student Information
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of Residence
- Immunization Records - see NC Immunization Law Information sheet in New Student Enrollment Form Packet.
- Name, telephone number and address of previous school(s) attended - see Record of Schools Attended Form in the New Student Enrollment Packet
- Report Card or grade placement information from previous school(s)
- TWO proofs of residence from the following list of acceptable documents:
- A notarized statement - Certification of Residence Form form - from the owner of the house where the person is living, listing the names of the person and their child(ren) and a visit by the attendance counselor
- Notarized rental/purchase agreement for a house with the person’s name and address on it
- Recent Utility bills (electric, telephone, gas, etc.)
- Current Drivers license and automobile registration
- Current Car insurance and property insurance policies
- Recent Income tax W-2 form and property tax bill
- Complete Home Language Survey or Home Language Survey in Spanish
- Notice of Right to Withhold Consent Concerning Reproductive Health Issues Form
- North Carolina Health Assessment Transmittal Form
Please include the following documents listed below on your scheduled appointment date:
- Official Transcript/Standardized Test Scores -see the Request for Transcript Form in the New Student Enrollment Form packet.
- Withdrawal Form from previous school listing courses and grades. This is required before we can enroll new students.