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Social Emotional Learning Resources for Students / Teachers / Parents
Resources for Students
Self-Awareness Activities20+ Hands-On Mindfulness Tools for Kids & Teens from Pathway 2 Success
Cameron's Collection - ebooks that address topics of social / emotional learning (requires NCEdCloud login)
Resources for Teachers
5 Daily “Emotions Check-In” ideas
5 Strategies for implementing SEL into your Literacy block
Self-Awareness Activities
"Who We Are" -12 High-interest lessons for middle and high schoolers from CommonLit
10 Meaningful Texts About Friendship and Conflict from Common Lit
9 SEL High School Activities from Positive Action
5 Tips for Summer Self-Care for Teachers
Interest-Based Events Can Boost Students' Sense of Belonging - article from Edutopia
3 Ways to Meet Students' Desire for Social Engagement - article from Edutopia
5 Ways Teachers Can Help Socially Isolated Students from VeryWellFamilyResources for Parents
10 Ways Parents Can Bring Social Emotional Learning Home
Social-Emotional Support for Parents & Families from Pathway 2 Success
Social and Emotional Learning: Strategies for Parents - article from Edutopia