• Updated January 2024. 
    Welcome Current 8th Grade Students and Families to Porter Ridge High School!

    For non-PRMS 8th grade students wanting to enroll and register for classes at PRHS, welcome!  We are excited you will be joining us. Your first step will be to enroll at Porter Ridge High School.  

    tour dates

    • Please follow this link to see what materials you will need and to access the enrollment platform as all enrollments must be completed online. Please email our data manager at carolyn.lawwill@ucps.k12.nc.us if you have additional questions after reviewing the above link. 
    • We welcome you to look through the material below and once you are officially enrolled you will then receive an email in July with information on scheduling a school tour in late July or August.  Our school counselors will also reach out to you with instructions on signing up for a session in mid-August to choose courses for next school year. 
    • Non-PRMS Students may sign up for a tour group to see our school in action this spring.  Tours will be on set days and those dates are tbd.  Please check back on this website and on social media. There will also be an opportunity to visit PRHS in late July and August prior to classes starting.
    • Welcome Voyage face to face 1/22 6:30 pm, and virtual 1/23 9:00 am
    • Porter Ridge High School's Rising 9th Grade Welcome Voyage slides - click here

      Virtual Tuesday 1/23 9:00 am join here: Porter Ridge High School Rising 9th Grade 

    Current Porter Ridge Middle School 8th Grade Students and Families

       setting sail

    Virtual Welcome Voyage Tuesday 1/23 9:00 am

    Virtual Tuesday 1/23 9:00 am join here: Porter Ridge High School Rising 9th Grade Welcome Voyage Middle School Transition to High School

    Class of 2028 Setting Sail - pdf version of flyer above        

    Rising 9th Grade Parent Guide - guide for parents with descriptions and information needed. 

    PRHS Rising 9th Grade - Q&A form for parents

    For our 8th grade PRMS students

    We are looking forward to you joining our Pirate Family in the fall.  We have created documents and presentations to assist you in the important and timely task of selecting courses for your first year in high school!  Please read all information prior to selecting courses so that you are making the best choices for you.  

    Course Selection Information



    Course Recommendations

    Students were placed in the English, Math, Science & Social Studies course level based on their 8th grade teachers' recommendation.  These courses should be marked on your child's registration card.  If you have questions about the placement, please contact the middle school subject teacher or counselor to understand their reasoning based on your child's middle school performance. 

    AP Capstone Diploma Program 

    Click here for more information about the program.

    Porter Ridge High School participates in the AP Capstone Diploma Program.  It's a two-year program based on two AP courses—AP Seminar and AP Research. Other AP courses teach you, in depth, about a specific subject, like biology or U.S. history. AP Seminar and AP Research are different. They focus on helping you develop academic skills you can use in any discipline.  Students must take a combination of AP courses that include AP Seminar in the Junior Year and AP Research in the senior year. Students must take a combination of AP courses that include AP Seminar in the Junior Year and AP Research in the senior year. 

           Participating in AP Capstone can help students:

    • Stand out to colleges in the application process.
    • Develop key academic skills they’ll use in college and beyond.
    • Become self-confident, independent thinkers and problem solvers.
    • Earn college credit: Many colleges offer credit for qualifying scores.

    PRHS is a Leadership High School

    Click here for more information.

    Leader in Me is a: 

      • MODEL The Leader in Me model is a unique blend of timeless paradigms and principles that create schoolwide culture change. The framework guides schools toward achieving measurable results.

      • PROCESS Leader in Me is a process of continuous growth and improvement. More than just another program, Leader in Me serves as the foundational operating system that improves your current initiatives.

      • GLOBAL COMMUNITY Leader in Me was created by educators, for educators. The model and process continue to evolve based on collective results from Leader in Me Schools throughout the world and the evolving needs in education today.

      • College, Career, and Life Readiness

    ​Leader in Me High School includes four courses, each designed to equip students with the essential skills they need to succeed. The habits and competencies developed in each of the courses are listed below.

    PRHS Works Toward Graduate Skills for both College and Career. 

     By focusing on the UCPS Portrait of a Graduate, along with PRHS Department-identified Graduate goals, our students prepare for a lifetime of success. These skills are worked on both in Advisory and in the classroom.  Additionally, students hone these skills in many of their extra- and co-curricular opportunities. 


    Clubs and Special Interests Page

    Students have the opportunity to get involved in High School in many different ways.  Research shows that students who are involved in school or other community organizations excel more in academics and in areas of social-emotional health.  

    To view student-created videos or read information about our clubs, athletics, or arts programs please click here.

    To go to the Athletics website please click here.

    To see more information on our academic programs, such as AFJROTC, Pathways, Academies, or AP Capstone program please click here.

    To see the Band website please click here

    To see more information about the Air Force JROTC Program that Porter Ridge and Piedmont High Schools partner in please click here. 

    To view the inside of Porter Ridge High School and to meet some of our staff and students, you are welcome to