Leadership High School
Leader in Me is a:
- MODEL The Leader in Me model is a unique blend of timeless paradigms and principles that create schoolwide culture change. The framework guides schools toward achieving measurable results.
- PROCESS Leader in Me is a process of continuous growth and improvement. More than just another program, Leader in Me serves as the foundational operating system that improves your current initiatives.
- GLOBAL COMMUNITY Leader in Me was created by educators, for educators. The model and process continue to evolve based on collective results from Leader in Me Schools throughout the world and the evolving needs in education today.
- College, Career, and Life Readiness
Leader in Me High School includes four courses, each designed to equip students with the essential skills they need to succeed. The habits and competencies developed in each of the courses are listed below.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
- Be Proactive®
- Begin With the End in Mind®
- Put First Things First®
- Think Win-Win®
- Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood®
- Synergize®
- Sharpen the Saw®
Leading Others
Leading Teams and Projects
Individual Mentoring and coaching
Meeting Management
Career Readiness
- Résumé Writing and Interviewing
- Presentation Skills
- Communication
- Using Feedback
- Digital Etiquette
College Readiness
- Goal Achievement
- College Test Prep
- College Applications
- Study Skills
- Weekly Planning
- Financial Literacy
- Living away from home
- Health and Fitness
Students at PRHS complete these courses in the Advisory period on Tuesday and Thursday between first and second block.