• Applying to College:


    College Advising

    Newsletter-College Information

    Use your Personal Email (not your school email) when creating accounts or communicating with colleges. 
    Steps in Applying to College:
    • Complete CFNC NC Residency Determination at NCresidency.org - must be completed if applying to any North Carolina Colleges
      • Use your CFNC.org login when signing in. Do not create a new account if you have a CFNC.org account.
    • Activate your SCOIR account on your student start-up page.
    • Make sure the colleges you are applying to are listed in your SCOIR account. This is how counselors will know to send your transcript.
    • Request letters of recommendations through SCOIR.
      • Counselors and teachers require at least two weeks' notice for college/scholarship recommendations!
    • Request ACT and/or SAT test scores be sent if required by the testing agency. Test scores are not on your high school transcript.
    • Submit applications by deadline dates with application fee.

    How to Apply to College:

    • Online application at the Colleges Website
    • CFNC.org - can apply to North Carolina Colleges 
      • CFNC Application Week - October 16-20, 2023 CFNC.org – some NC colleges will waive the application fee during this time period
    • commonapplication.org -  allows you to apply to colleges around the country with one application
    • https://www.coalitionforcollegeaccess.org/ - used by some colleges as their application 
      • Students will have to pay the application fee for each college they are applying to.
      • Recommendations from teachers should be requested through SCOIR, not common application or coalition application.