Essential Visitors
All essential visitors to the school must check-in at the main office during the hours of 7:40 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., which are the main office hours on days that school is in session. A reminder that we are actively using our video-doorbell system and we will work with your needs through the video capability primarily. Visitors wanting to meet with counselors and teachers should set appointments in advance for any non-emergency meeting so that staff are available.
Parents will not be permitted to drop lunches, homework assignments, and other materials to students during the school day on a regular basis. If a student does urgently need an item, parents may drop it at the drop off station in the foyer and then text/email their child to pick it up during class changes only. Drop-offs of eyeglasses and medications will be permitted.
Please note that food from outside vendors is not permitted during the lunch period or at any point during the school day.