School Health/Safety
School Health and Safety
- Healthy habits will be emphasized throughout the school with reminders from staff and availability of soap and/or hand sanitizer in school.
- Full-time Nurse
- Breakfast will be grab and go after 8:00am and students will proceed directly to their first period class after picking up breakfast after 8:00. Students who arrive between 7:45-8:00 will have until 8:05 to eat in the cafe.
- School counselors, social worker, and behavioral health therapist available
- Monitored student entries and exits
- Hall Pass system
- Video doorbell entry system
- Camera system
- School Resource Officer
- Staff monitoring halls and entry points throughout the day
- Safety drills
- Consistent communication with students about school procedures
- Pirate Advisory -mentorship and life skills
- Positive habit instruction: Be Proactive, Begin with the End in Mind, Put First Things First, Think Win-Win, Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood, Synergize, Sharpen the Saw
- Anti-bullying plan at school, reporting mechanism in person, via anonymous bully box, UCSP tip-line, Say Something App