N. C. State Retirement Information (NC Pension Plan)

  • You have chosen a career to teach or otherwise serve the citizens of North Carolina; therefore, you are a contributing member to one of the best-funded pension plans in the country. Your monthly contribution of 6% to the N.C. State Retirement, along with your employer contributions, creates a foundation for your future in retirement.



Contact Us

  • To meet with a UCPS Benefits Coordinator to discuss the N.C. State Retirement (pension plan), contact:

    For Employee Retirement Payroll Questions (annual leave, payouts, etc.), contact the Senior Payroll Accountant:

    Employees with questions regarding tax-sheltering your retirement payouts, contact:

N.C. 401(K) Plan and NC 457(b) Deferred Comp Plan (Supplemental)

  • N.C. Plans Retirement Webinar Opportunities for Employees

    The N.C. Supplemental Retirement Plans are recognized nationwide for low fees and diverse, strong-performing investments and meaningful oversight by the Supplemental Board of Trustees. This means you have a team of people working for the participants' best interests, lowering fees and costs, and providing value through cost-effective investment choices, useful tools and relevant resources.

    Increase Your Retirement Savings

    Saving outside your pension plan in one of the NC Supplemental Retirement Plans (NC 401K and NC 457 Plan) is an important step toward being "retirement ready" - meaning you can replace at least 80% of your pre-retirement income.

    NCPLANS Information

    Individual Assistance

    • You can schedule a one-on-one virtual meeting with our Local Retirement Education Counselor, Lionel Gruslin to assist you with plan-related questions, an account review, enrollment, etc.
    • Schedule an appointment or call 919-758-7370.

    Contact NCPLANS

    • 1-866-627-5267

    Questions/Payroll Deduction

    • Contact Lisa Grooms at (704) 296-5315 (IEP# 4076)

    401K Forms

    474 Forms

    Online Enrollment

    • EMPOWER is the recordkeeper for the NC Plans
    • To enroll in the NC 401(k) Plan, an employee must be a contributing member (full-time, 30+ hours per week) to the N.C. Teachers & State Employees Retirement System (TSERS - NC Pension Plan).
    • Group ID / Plan Number for NC 401K: 525334-01
    • Plan Enrollment Code for NC 401K: VCFkeb4F
    • Plan Enrollment Code expires: February 1, 2025

    New Enrollment: Setting up your online account for the first time

    • Visit myncplans.com and select the login button.
    • Select the register button on the next screen.
    • Select I have a Plan Enrollment Code and follow the prompts using the information provided above.
    • The website will guide you through the enrollment process.
    • Note: When asked for a division code, input your employer's name, then select the correct employer based on your payroll frequency.

    To enroll in the NC 457 Plan (all employees)

    • Group ID / Plan Number for NC 457: 525334-02
    • Plan Enrollment Code for NC 457: sYtHk6yD
    • Plan Enrollment Code expires: February 1, 2025

    New Enrollment: Setting up your online account for the first time

    • Visit myncplans.com and select the login button.
    • Select the register button on the next screen.
    • Select I have a Plan Enrollment Code and follow the prompts using the information provided above.
    • The website will guide you through the enrollment process.
    • Note: When asked for a division code, input your employer's name, then select the correct employer based on your payroll frequency.

    IRS Limits (2024)

    • Employees 50 and under can contribute a total of $23,000 to their 401(k)/457 plan in 2024.
    • Employees 50 and older (by 12/31/24) can contribute an additional $7,500 (per IRS requirement 402(g) limits) for a total of $30,500.

    Important: If an employee is participating in both a 401K and a 403(b) plan, the contribution limits must be coordinated so that the maximum deferral between the two plans does not exceed $23,000 or $30,500.  The contribution limits for 2024 can include ROTH after-tax contributions, pre-tax contributions or a combination of both a 401K/403(b) including ROTH.

    A rollover from a previous employer's retirement plan does not impact the maximum amount an employee can contribute to either of these plans.

    You may increase/decrease your contribution rate at any time.  You may stop contributing at any time.  Your account is always 100% vested.  UCPS does not offer an employer match for these plans.

Supplemental 403b Plans

  • Questions: Lisa Grooms, Finance Dept. at (704)296-5315 (IEP#4076) or lisa.grooms@ucps.k12.nc.us.

    Important Information for UCPS Employees

    Please be aware of any email sent to your UCPS email account offering to meet with you and provide assistance with your retirement plan. These emails are not from a UCPS Benefits employee or from an N.C. State Retirement employee (ex. "each year, as an employee of Union County Schools in N.C. you are eligible to schedule a phone call, teleconference, or in-person meeting off campus with a representative for answers to your specific state, federal and individual retirement benefit questions"). This type of email is sent out by marketing firms for contracted insurance agents/representatives located throughout the U.S. The purpose of the meeting is to sell you additional retirement accounts.

    Employees who want to view their N.C. State Retirement (pension plan) account can go online to myncretirement.com and create a user id/password in ORBIT.  All of your state employment/salary information is stored in ORBIT. 

    Your Federal social security information is available online with the Social Security Administration.

    Supplemental 403B Vendors (approved for payroll deduction)

    Visit our Plan Administrator/Third-Party Administrator's (TPA) website to obtain the Authorized Investment Provider listing.

    Authorized Investment Providers (payroll deduction)

    Vanguard Investments and ASPIRE Financial Services have both been added in 2022.  Both companies offer online enrollment, self-managed (no commissioned agent) and offer low-cost mutual funds.

    TSACG maintains an advanced web-based Online Distribution System for use by Plan Sponsors and participants.  The system provides employees with the ability to obtain an immediate Certificate of Approval.  The system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Please utilize this system to receive approval on withdrawals, transactions, roll-overs, signature approval, etc. for all 403b accounts.


    The 403(b) Basics

    403b Wise - This Website was launched in March 2000 by two educators to provide important information to all K-12 employees nationwide.  If you feel that your knowledge of investing is sub-par, please visit this website where you will receive invaluable information to assist you in making your investment choices.

    Complete a background check on the sales representative to find any disclosures (legal), experience, licenses, location (in-state or out-of-state) etc. Broker Check

    2024 IRS Limits

    • Employees 50 and under can contribute a total of $23,000 to a 403(b) in 2024.
    • Employees 50 and above (by 12/31/24) can contribute an additional $7,500 in 2024 for a total of $30,500.
    • If an employee is participating in both a 403(b) and an N.C. 401K plan, the contribution limits must not exceed $23,000 (or $30,500 combined).  The maximum deferral amount also includes ROTH (after-tax) accounts.
    • Rollovers from a previous employer retirement plan do not impact the maximum amount an employee can contribute to this plan.
    • UCPS does not offer an employee match for this plan.