Through an innovative partnership with Wingate University, South Piedmont Community College (SPCC), and UNC Charlotte, Union County Public Schools (UCPS) is proud to announce Next Stop: TeachUCPS, a teacher pipeline program for employees and former UCPS graduates. This new strategy will help UCPS to grow its own teachers and provide a roadmap that removes financial barriers for pursuing a teaching license.
- There will be one general application for the Employee, Transfer, and Residency Pathways that will be open from February 1 - May 1, 2025.
- The Human Resources Team will review applications to determine eligibility for a specific pathway.
- Interviews will be conducted during May 2025.
- Candidates will be notified of acceptance during June 2025.
- Pathway details are outlined below.
Interested? Contact emily.kraftson@ucps.k12.nc.us
Choose Your Pathway
Employee Pathway
Current UCPS Instructional Classified Employees (Elementary Education only)
- Earn an associate’s degree from SPCC
- Gateway to Wingate scholarship
- Become a classroom teacher in two to four years after beginning the program
- Zero tuition for associate’s degree
- Zero cost for tuition = UCPS covers the cost
- Classroom teacher 2-4 years after beginning the program.
Employee Commitment
Upon completion of all coursework and an earned bachelor's degree:
- Work in Union County Public Schools as a teacher
- Minimum of three years in a Title I school
- Minimum of four years in other schools
Transfer Pathway
Former UCPS Graduates (Elementary Education and Middle Grades only)
- Completed Associate Degree at SPCC
- Gateway to Wingate Scholarship
- Obtain Bachelor’s Degree and Teaching Certification at Wingate University
- Classroom teacher two years after beginning the program.
- Student incurs cost for associate's degree
- Zero cost for tuition = UCPS covers the cost
Employee Commitment
Upon completion of all coursework and an earned bachelor's degree:
- Work in UCPS as a teacher
- Minimum of three years in a Title I school
- Minimum of four years in other schools
Residency Pathway
Current UCPS Classified Instructional Employees and Former UCPS Graduates (Elementary Ed, EC, CTE, Math and Science for Middle Grades and 9-12)
- Completed bachelor's degree from any accredited college or university
- Teaching certification at UNC Charlotte for EC, CTE, and math and science for middle and high school grade levels
- Teaching certification at SPCC for elementary education
- Classroom teacher 1-2 years after beginning the program
- Zero cost for tuition = UCPS covers the cost
Employee Commitment
Upon completion of all coursework and an earned bachelor's degree:
- Work in Union County Public Schools as a teacher
- Minimum of three years in a Title I school
- Minimum of four years in other schools
Next Stop: TeachUCPS in the News
Video/Article via WBTV: Dani Lotharp is thrilled to begin her career as a teacher. She feels a personal connection to the role, as she herself is a graduate of Monroe Middle and High schools.
Thanks to a program that began a year ago within the district, she was able to get the financial assistance she needed to bring her dream of teaching to fruition.
“I’ve always wanted to teach, since I was a kid, that’s something I wanted to do my whole life,” Lotharp said.
“I’m finally getting that opportunity to walk in my purpose, and I get to do that in my own community,” she said.