Becoming a UCPS Bus Driver

  • We Are Hiring!

    • $17.29 per hour for fully licensed drivers (Up to $18.50 per hour including incentives)
    • Paid training for Driver Trainees
    • Apply Now!

    Bus Driver Recruitment Bonus Program

    The purpose of the Bus Driver Recruitment Bonus Program is to provide an incentive for UCPS employees to support recruiting efforts targeting the hiring of school bus drivers.


    Current UCPS employees are eligible for this program.

    Form Submission and Process

    Once a current UCPS employee establishes contact with a prospective driver and the prospective driver begins the application process, the UCPS employee will complete the recommendation form. The form will be forwarded to the Transportation Office on Goldmine Road (Scan to Brenda Stack).

    Once the following requirements are met, the employee that made the recommendation for hire will be awarded a recruiting bonus of $200.00; the bonus will be taxed accordingly through payroll.

    Prospective drivers are defined as school bus drivers who have never been employed by UCPS as a school bus driver.

    • The newly hired driver must operate a school bus for 60 consecutive school days driving the equivalent
      of 6 hours per day (on average).

    Prospective drivers that contacted UCPS based on sponsored advertising activities (website, billboards, signage, etc.) do not qualify employees for the bus driver recruitment bonus program.

  • Bus Classes & Driver Qualifications

  • Bus Driver Trainee

  • Volunteer and Coaches