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Jessica Carballo (Weddington Elementary)

What do you teach and why did you become a teacher?

I teach second grade at Weddington Elementary. I became a teacher after being laid off from my corporate job during the recession of 2008. I had to decide what I would do with the rest of my life. I was a single mother of two young children and wanted to show my daughters it's never too late to go back to college when you are passionate about something. 

What is your favorite memory from your teaching career?

One of my favorite memories was when a student I taught in fourth grade came back to see me when he was a senior. I enjoyed watching the seniors march through the hallways of our school and loved being reunited with them, sharing tears of joy.

Outside of teaching, what are your hobbies or interests?

I enjoy interior design. I redecorate my home for every season. It's a passion of mine. I also love my two dogs and my cat. I am passionate about adopting my animals through rescues. I also love to travel outside the United States. My most exciting trip was to Dubai.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

The ability to connect and form loving bonds with all my students, especially children with intellectual and physical disabilities.

If you could teach any subject outside your current field, what would it be and why?

Physical education, because I was a three-letter varsity athlete. I have always loved sports and physical activities.

If you could pick another teacher’s class to enroll in for a day, whose class would it be and why?

A first-grade teacher by the name of Mrs. Lunzmann. I deeply respect and admire her dedication to her students. I have learned a lot over the years from stopping by her classroom and observing her. She has always been willing to share ideas with me. She is an amazing colleague.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to aspiring teachers?

You must first form a safe and loving classroom environment for your students. Students cannot thrive and learn if they do not feel loved and safe in your classroom.

If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

Never stop learning and enjoy being a child. Life passes by so quickly.

What do you enjoy most about working in UCPS?

The opportunity to teach with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

Describe your most creative lesson plan. How did you make the topic fun for students?

In second grade, students learn in math about arranging objects in a rectangular array with up to five rows and five columns. After teaching the lesson, I have students create buildings in the form of a rectangular array.  We then take our buildings and create a city of all their creations and put them on display outside our classroom. My students get so excited! They add trees, roads, birds, cars, and a school building.