Greta Meissner (Union County Early College)
What do you teach and why did you become a teacher?
I teach high school math at Union County Early College. I think math is very important in forming critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
What is your favorite memory from your teaching career?
My favorite memory from teaching is when these twins would always come and visit me until they graduated last spring. They used to call me their school mom. They would talk to me about their wins and struggles. I was happy to be there for them. They are freshmen at Wingate University now.
Outside of teaching, what are your hobbies or interests?
I love spending time with my family and friends, playing pickleball and growing indoor plants.
If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I would love to be able to see what is in store for my students’ future.
If you could teach any subject outside your current field, what would it be and why?
Physical Education. I feel like exercise and socializing is so important to the whole person.
If you could pick another teacher’s class to enroll in for a day, whose class would it be and why?
I would like to go back and re-enroll in my college physics teacher’s class. He was a tenured teacher that was funny and entertaining while also teaching the complex concepts of the amazing field of physics. He had lots of opportunities for extra help and was always very patient with us.
What's one piece of advice you'd give to aspiring teachers?
The subject area is not as important as the connections that you make with your students. Don’t stress the small stuff and have fun. The students will love you for being approachable and transparent.
If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?
Don’t allow others to make you feel less of yourself. Choose friends that make you better. Popularity is very overrated, so be who makes you happy.
What do you enjoy most about working in UCPS?
I love working at Union County Early College because it is an inclusive community where everyone feels welcome and supportive of the students.
Describe your most creative lesson plan. How did you make the topic fun for students?
I have flipped my classroom, so I feel every day is a great lesson plan exhibiting individual help and interaction with each student. I am able to meet students where they are, communicate with them individually, learn many things about them and build wonderful relationships.