E-Learning Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where can I find contact information for E-Learning and UCVirtual teachers?

  • How can a student sign up for an online class?

  • Are courses self-paced?

  • Can a student take all levels of courses online?

  • Can a student take an online course Pass/Fail?

  • If a course if offered through both UCVirtual and NCVPS, can I choose where to take it?

  • Can my student take a "5th block" class online?

  • Where will I take my online class?

  • What qualities would help me be a successful online learner?

  • How far into the semester may I add/drop a class?

UCVirtual Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where are UCVirtual courses housed?

  • Will my UCVirtual course grades be on my report card?

  • How can a parent find out a student's grade in his/her UCVirtual course?

  • What does the UCVirtual calendar look like?

  • Are the prerequisites for a UCVirtual online course the same as classes taken in a classroom?

  • How and when do I take my UCVirtual Final Exam?

  • What should I do if I am having difficulty with a class?

  • What are the communication and grading expectations for UCVirtual teachers?

  • Are UCVirtual courses approved by the NCAA clearinghouse?

NCVPS Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where are NCVPS courses housed?

  • What should I do if I am having difficulty with a class?

  • Will my NCVPS course grades be on my report card?

  • How can a parent find out a student's grade in his/her NCVPS course?

  • Are the prerequisites for an NCVPS online course the same as classes taken in a classroom?

  • What are the communication and grading expectations for NCVPS teachers?

  • Are NCVPS courses approved by the NCAA clearinghouse?