As the sixth largest school district in North Carolina, UCPS is proud to offer a variety of academic programming to elementary, middle and high school students. Our high-achieving school system provides parents with options for choosing an arts and technology magnet school, AgTech program, Health Sciences Academy, dual-language programs, an International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, an Early College High School, and career readiness programs.
Our rigorous Dual Language Immersion programs support more than 1,000 students in bilingualism and cross-cultural awareness. Students enrolled in the unique AgTech Academy participate in hands-on learning to explore technology with a focus on agriculture, while the Health Sciences Academy’s innovative curriculum exposes students to the clinical and operational aspects of healthcare.
Help your student find their path by browsing all of these academic options and more in the filtered listing below. Getting started is easy:
- First, select a program to find out where it is offered in the district.
- Then, click on the school’s name.
- From there, you can go directly to the school’s website to learn more about their program.
Agrotechnology (AgTech)
Union County Public Schools offers students an opportunity to explore and engage in one of the fastest-growing industries in the state and region. Agrotechnology (AgTech) is the integration of technology in the agricultural industry. Agriculture careers involve more than farming. Agricultural education prepares students for over 300 careers in agriculture, such as production, financing, processing, marketing, veterinary medicine, robotics, automation, and agricultural product distribution. The AgTech program is offered at Union Elementary School, Wingate Elementary School, East Union Middle School and Forest Hills High School.
Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts
Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts (BHESA) is dedicated to creating a safe, arts-enriched, academically challenging, and positive learning environment that will prepare learners and empower leaders in a global society. BHESA students will be exposed to the following content areas: math, literacy/language arts, science, social studies, art, digital literacy, dance, drama, music, LEGO engineering (STEAM) and physical education. BHESA is a part of the A+ Schools Program where arts are integrated in all areas of the curriculum and instruction.
Career Readiness Academies and Pathways
Today’s job market requires individuals with technical and high-level problem-solving skills. Career Readiness is focused on teaching these attributes through real-world applications in all of the different program areas.
Students have many opportunities in different academies and pathways that will help prepare them for life after high school; whether it be in a four-year university, a two-year community or technical college, or in a career. Through classes offered by Career Readiness, students will gain the technical skills and academic knowledge to prepare for future employment and/or a successful transition to post-secondary education.
Central Academy of Technology & Arts (CATA)
Central Academy of Technology & Arts (CATA) is a public, magnet school in Union County Public Schools. Bus transportation is available to CATA students. Students entering CATA complete all UCPS requirements for a NC High School Diploma in addition to the required academy courses for the academy in which they are enrolled.
Dual Language Immersion Programs
Dual Language Immersion programs are an exciting option for parents who want their children to have the advantages of a rigorous academic program while also becoming bilingual and biliterate. Students are immersed into another language through study of core academic content areas such as language arts, math, science and social studies. UCPS immersion teachers use the NC Standards and the UCPS curriculum.
UCPS offers DLI programs in both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese.
Health Sciences Academy
Health Sciences Academy, in partnership with Atrium Health, launched in 2017 at Monroe Middle to increase student engagement. Since then, the program has expanded to the elementary and high school levels for students interested in the healthcare industry. Programs are available at Walter Bickett Elementary School, East Elementary School, Health Sciences Academy at Monroe Middle School and Monroe High School.
International Baccalaureate Program
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is a two-year educational program primarily geared towards high school students. The program provides an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education and is recognized by many universities worldwide. Currently, this program is offered at Marvin Ridge High School and Central Academy of Technology & Arts (CATA).
School Choice
At the January 10, 2023 Board of Education meeting, the board voted to postpone School Choice for the 2023-2024 school year. There will be no schools of choice for next school year. Students who are currently assigned through School Choice will remain in their school assignment through the terminal grade.
When more information is available about School Choice, UCPS will share updates with employees and parents.
If you have questions about additional transfer options, visit the Student Assignment page.
Union County Early College (UCEC)
Early college high school is a bold approach, based on the principle that academic rigor, combined with the opportunity to save time and money, is a powerful motivator for students to work hard and meet serious intellectual challenges. Early college high schools are small schools designed so that students can earn both a high school diploma and an associate degree or up to two years of credit toward a bachelor’s degree. Early college high schools have the potential to improve high school graduation rates and better prepare all students for high-skill careers by engaging them in a rigorous, college-preparatory curriculum and compressing the number of years to a college degree.
- Antioch Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/8 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Central Academy of Technology & Arts https://www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/10 International Baccalaureate
- East Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/19 Two-Way Immersion - Spanish, Health Sciences Academy
- East Union Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/21 AgTech
- Forest Hills High www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/16 AgTech
- Health Sciences Academy at Monroe Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Domain/25 Health Sciences Academy
- Kensington Elementary /www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/31 One-Way Immersion - Mandarin, One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Marshville Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/33 Two-Way Immersion - Spanish, AVID
- Marvin Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/35 One-Way Immersion - Mandarin
- Marvin Ridge High www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/37 International Baccalaureate, Immersion Continuing Into World Language (Mandarin)
- Marvin Ridge Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/39 Immersion Continuation (Mandarin)
- Monroe High www.ucps.k12.nc.us/mhs Health Sciences Academy
- New Town Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/47 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Parkwood Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/pwms Immersion Continuation (Spanish)
- Piedmont High www.ucps.k12.nc.us/pdhs Immersion Continuing Into World Language (Spanish)
- Piedmont Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/55 Immersion Continuation (Spanish)
- Poplin Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/57 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Porter Ridge Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/59 Two-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Porter Ridge Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/63 Immersion Continuation (Spanish)
- Shiloh Valley Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/77 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Shiloh Valley Primary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/83 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Sun Valley High www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/85 Immersion Continuing Into World Language (Spanish)
- Sun Valley Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/87 Immersion Continuation (Spanish)
- Union Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/91 AgTech
- Unionville Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/93 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Walter Bickett Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/97 Two-Way Immersion - Spanish, Health Sciences Academy, AVID
- Weddington Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/101 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Weddington Middle www.ucps.k12.nc.us/wdms Immersion Continuation (Spanish)
- Western Union Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/109 One-Way Immersion - Spanish
- Wingate Elementary www.ucps.k12.nc.us/Page/111 Two-Way Immersion - Spanish, AVID, AgTech