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Mental Health Services
School-based mental health therapy services are outpatient mental health services provided by a clinically licensed mental health therapist. Therapy is provided during the school day to assist students with concerns impacting their well-being, such as grief and loss, depression, anxiety, attention, self-esteem, divorce, trauma, and relationships. Other services provided by school-based mental health therapists may include comprehensive clinical assessments, group therapy, family therapy, participation in team meetings, crisis support, school support, and staff support.
Resources to Manage Your Mental Health
- How to Help in an Emotional Crisis: The American Psychological Association offers information about spotting signs of emotional crisis.
- Grief Support for Children: Grief resources for kids
- Depression in Kids: A quick guide with information on depression in kids
- Differentiating Stress and Anxiety: The National Institute of Mental Health provides information on the difference between stress and anxiety
- Bullying Resource Center: The Bullying Resource Center is a website that provides information about bullying and addresses frequently asked questions.
- Social Media: The website provides information on social media, apps, and sites that are commonly used by kids and teens
- Substance Abuse Warning Signs: This website provides information regarding substance abuse warning signs
- Emoji Drug Code: The Drug Enforcement Administration provides information on emojis being used in conjunction with illegal drugs
- What Every Child Needs for Good Mental Health: Mental Health America shares information on a child's mental and physical health.