• Union County Public Schools is committed to providing immersion students with a K-12 pathway. As students transition from elementary to middle school, the focus of language acquisition begins to shift from content-based instruction to language-based instruction. For information about our K-5 immersion programs, please visit our page entitled, What is Language Immersion? The middle school dual language immersion pathways listed below are for students who have completed an elementary dual language immersion sequence, or those who qualify to enter at the middle school level based on strong literacy skills in the language other than English. Students can enter DLI classes at middle school if they pass a Late Entry Assessment. Additional information in admission guidelines. 

    UCPS has created flyers that outline potential pathway options for rising 9th grade students. Please note that courses are always subject to student and school schedules as well as availability each year.

  • Middle School Immersion Continuation

  • High School Immersion Continuation

  • Community Spanish Interpreter Certificate Program

  • Parent Information

North Carolina Global Languages Diploma Endorsement

  • (North Carolina's Seal of Biliteracy)

    Students have the opportunity to earn a Global Languages Endorsement on their high school diploma. 

    Students must meet the following requirements in order to earn the Global Languages Endorsement diploma seal:

    1. Complete 4 years of high school English with an unweighted GPA of 2.5 or higher.
    2. Demonstrate competence in a world language through one of the following ways:
      • Successfully complete level 4 of a world language with an unweighted GPA of 2.5 or higher
      • Pass the Credit by Demonstrated Mastery process for level IV of a world language
      • Demonstrate competency via an external exam taken in high school or for placement in a high school world language course.

    For additional information regarding this process, including a list of the state-approved external exams, please visit NCDPI's Global Languages Endorsement page.