Student Life
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Student life within Union County Public Schools is unrivaled! Not only do our students thrive inside the classroom, but they get the opportunity to select from many extracurricular activities, such as athletics and student clubs and organizations.
Students receive an endless amount of support from teachers and staff in the areas of counseling, mental health resources, school health, and more!
Every student can chart their unique path to success and develop friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!
Student Resources
School counselors are highly educated, professionally certified individuals who help students succeed in school and plan their careers. An integral part of the total education system, school counselors help students form healthy goals, mindsets, and behaviors. With the aid of a school counselor, students learn to develop effective collaboration and cooperative skills, to practice perseverance, to develop time management and study skills, and to learn self-motivation and self-direction habits.
School counselors help all students:
- Apply academic achievement strategies
- Manage emotions and apply interpersonal skills
- Plan for postsecondary options
School counselors are trained to provide the following services:
- Individual student academic planning and goal setting
- School counseling classroom lessons based on student success standards
- Short-term counseling to students
- Referrals for long-term support
- Collaboration with families, teachers, and administrators/community for student success
- Advocacy for students at individual education plan meetings and other student-focused meetings
- Data analysis to identify student issues, needs, and challenges
School counselors play an essential role in creating an equitable, inclusive school culture promoting success for all.
- Roles of Elementary School Counselors
- Roles of Middle School Counselors
- Roles of High School Counselors
* Information has been obtained from the American School Counselor Association.
Emergency Services
- Say Something App Reporting System (SS-ARS) - Report safety concerns to help prevent violence and tragedies 24/7 through the website, app, or by phone. A crisis center reviews and sends all submissions to law enforcement and/or school administration for intervention.
- The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
- Optum - 24-hour Emotional Support Help Line for those experiencing anxiety or stress around COVID-19 - 866-342-6892
- Partners Crisis Line - mental health referrals-multiple languages 1-888-235-HOPE (4673).
- DayMark Mobile Engagement - Mental Health Crisis 24/7 - 1-866-275-9552
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA’s) Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22
Mental Health
School-based mental health therapy services are outpatient mental health services provided by a clinically licensed mental health therapist. Therapy is provided during the school day to assist students with concerns impacting their well-being, such as grief and loss, depression, anxiety, attention, self-esteem, divorce, trauma, and relationships. Other services provided by school-based mental health therapists may include comprehensive clinical assessments, group therapy, family therapy, participation in team meetings, crisis support, school support, and staff support.
Learn about UCPS/Atrium Health telehealth options!
Resources to manage your mental health
- How to Help in an Emotional Crisis: The American Psychological Association offers information about spotting signs of emotional crisis.
- Grief Support for Children: Grief resources for kids
- Depression in Kids: A quick guide with information on depression in kids
- Differentiating Stress and Anxiety: The National Institute of Mental Health provides information on the difference between stress and anxiety
- Bullying Resource Center: The Bullying Resource Center is a website that provides information about bullying and addresses frequently asked questions.
- Social Media: The website provides information on social media, apps, and sites that are commonly used by kids and teens
- Substance Abuse Warning Signs: This website provides information regarding substance abuse warning signs
- Emoji Drug Code: The Drug Enforcement Administration provides information on emojis being used in conjunction with illegal drugs
- What Every Child Needs for Good Mental Health: Mental Health America shares information on a child's mental and physical health.
Safety and Security
Student Support works with all schools and departments to ensure the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors.
We utilize partnerships with local emergency services and law enforcement agencies to assist with securing our facilities. We take a proactive approach to safety and security needs and meet on a regular basis with the UCPS Safety Committee, which provides recommendations to the superintendent on ways to best secure our facilities and stakeholders.
Student Support directly supervises Support and Prevention, traffic directors at the schools, and school security officers, and works as a liaison between the School Resource Officers and the departments with which they are employed.
Inclement Weather Procedures
Union County Public Schools has procedures in place to address emergencies, including the threat of severe weather. When there is a threat of severe weather in our area, Union County Public Schools works closely with local and regional emergency management officials to monitor weather reports and road conditions.
Should there be a change to the school or work schedule, information will be posted on the UCPS website, app and social media pages. In addition, parents and employees will receive email, phone and text notifications through Blackboard Connect.
To ensure proper notification, please make sure that your contact information is correct in PowerSchool.