Academically or Intellectually Gifted
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AIG Local Plan
The state of North Carolina requires every public school district to have an AIG Local Plan as mandated by the state legislature known as Article 9B. The AIG Local plan outlines the processes, procedures, services, and supports concerning gifted education within a school district. The AIG Plan is organized based on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction's (NCDPI) AIG Program Standards (PDF) created to serve as a statewide framework and guide for school districts to develop, coordinate, and implement thoughtful and comprehensive AIG programs. These standards reflect Article 9B (N.C.G.S. § 115C-150.5-.08) and are nationally-accepted best practices in gifted education. Furthermore, the AIG Program Standards help ensure that the needs of AIG students are met and the potential of AIG students is optimally developed.
Click to view the 2022-25 AIG Plan, approved by the BOE on May 3, 2022.
Appendices & Supplemental Information of the UCPS AIG Plan
Standard 1: Identification
- AIG Screening Referral Form
- UCPS AIG Identification Criteria (English & Spanish)
- Pathway 3 Screening & Alternate Assessment Form (Appendix C)
- Acceleration Options & Procedures (Appendix J) (English & Spanish)
- Early Entrance to Kindergarten Process & Application (English & Spanish)
Standard 2: Comprehensive Programming within a Total School Community
Standard 3: Differentiated Curriculum & Instruction
Standard 4: Personnel & Professional Development
Standards 5: Partnerships
Standard 6: Program Accountability