Academically or Intellectually Gifted
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Interested in Working with Gifted Students?
The field of gifted education is surrounded by myths, misunderstandings, and misinformation. This is why educators require specialized training to work with gifted students. There are three options to access the training.
Option 1: College Coursework & Licensure
This option requires admission to an accredited college or university that offers the four courses for gifted licensure. Upon completion of the courses, individuals have an add-on licensure for gifted education that is accepted at any district within the state. The cost at UNCC for this licensure is $3000 + Books and Materials.
Option 2: AIG Academy (UCPS Training)
This option is completed throughout one school year using a blended platform of face-to-face meetings and CANVAS. The typical anticipated time spent on the course is about 5-10 hours a month. Upon completion, individuals will receive local credentials in gifted education that are recognized only in UCPS, earn up to 4.0 CEUs (1 general, 1 digital, 2 literacy), and have access to an optional learning module to prepare for the Gifted Ed. Praxis. If a participant passes the Praxis within the same calendar year of completing the course, reimbursement for half the cost of the Praxis is available. The cost for this course is $0, unless you choose to purchase your own books.
Option 3: Gifted Education Praxis
North Carolina recently added the Gifted Ed. Praxis to the list of certification tests. As with all Praxis exams, passing the Gifted Ed. Praxis would earn test takers gifted licensure good at any district. NDPI does not recommend taking the Praxis without taking the local training course (AIG Academy) and recommends that test takers take the course even if they pass the Praxis. Local PD offers the hands-on training needed to implement best practices of gifted education in the classroom. The cost for this option is the cost of the exam ($120).