Typical Screening & Identification Criteria

  • AIG screenings typically happen upon enrollment, via request, and during our annual, district-wide spring screening process.

    UCPS conducts an annual, district-wide screening for students in grades 3-7 where students' data points are automatically collected to make further recommendations in regards to gifted service identification and services.  At UCPS, students must meet UCPS Identification criteria in order to be formally identified as gifted.  The spring screening process begins at the start of the second semester and concludes at the end of the school year with the collection of End of Grade scores and final grades.

    For more information regarding the screening process, it helps families download a copy of the summer screening brochure (English) (Spanish).  There is a flow chart that walks families through the process.

    When student data is reviewed, an AIG staff member will contact the parent/guardian and make further recommendations.  If further testing is needed, arrangements will be made.  We do not test upon request.  The student data must support a referral for additional evaluation.

    If you have any questions regarding the screening and/or identification processes, contact the AIG Teacher at your child’s school.  If you are unsure of who that is, kindly ask the office personnel and leave a message.  If you have questions over the summer, contact the AIG Summer Center at aigsummertesting@ucps.k12.nc.us

    New to UCPS?

    Families who come to UCPS and enroll their child can request an AIG screening.  We encourage these families to download the summer screening brochure and send an email to the AIG teacher at the school.  The AIG teacher will respond via email in 24-48 hours during the work week (Monday-Thursday).  If you are unsure of who that is, ask the office personnel and leave a message.
    If you are enrolling over the summer, the screening process is typically handled by the AIG Summer Center.  You can send an email to aigsummertesting@ucps.k12.nc.us.  Someone from the center will get back to you in 2 business days.  The summer center operates with normal business hours Monday through Thursday.