Driver Eligibility Certificate / Learner's Permit

  • Getting A Driver Eligibility Certificate 

    Driving Eligibility Certificates: A parent or guardian will need to visit the school in which your child is currently enrolled to secure a Driver Eligibility Certificate. Each school has its own process for providing the certificate. Please contact your school to schedule an appointment. Once scheduled, bring the following documents to the appointment: 

    • Student’s birth certificate or passport
    • Completed Driver Education Certificate (received after completion of BTW instruction)
    • Proof of address if the current address is different from the one listed on the Driver Education Certificate or the address listed in PowerSchool. Address must be verified for the NC Real ID.
    • Be aware: Driver Eligibility Certificates are only valid for 30 days.

    When Are You Eligible For a Learner Permit?

    • Have successfully completed BTW instruction with the Driver Education Completion Certificate
    • Have a Driver Eligibilty Certificate
    • Be at least 15 years old at the time of your DMV appointment
    • Check out the NC DMV site for detailed information on getting a learner permit

    Tips For Getting Your Learner Permit

    Currently, the wait time for learner permit appointments at the DMV is 30-60 days. We recommend you take the following steps for this process. 

    • Once you have been contacted about BTW instruction, schedule an appointment for a learner permit at the DMV on a date after BTW instruction is scheduled to end.
    • A parent or guardian takes the BTW completion paperwork and other required documents to the student's school to get a Driver Eligibility Certificate.
    • Make sure the Driver Eligibility Certificate is attained within 30 days of DMV appointment.
    • Home school eligibility certificate information  

    May a Driving Eligibility Certificate / Learner's Permit / Driver's License be revoked? 

    There are three reasons why a Driver Eligibility Certificate/Learner's Permit/Driver's License could be revoked:

    1. Dropping out of school prior to age 18: As of August 1, 1998, any public, private, federal, home-schooled, or community college student under age 18 who does not make adequate academic progress or drops out of school will have their driving permit or provisional license revoked (§ 20-11). Under the Dropout Prevention Guidelines, a dropout student is one who has withdrawn from school before the end of the academic term and whose enrollment in an educational setting cannot be verified for 30 days. 

    2. Disciplinary action: Disciplinary action includes an expulsion (a suspension for more than 10 consecutive days) or an assignment to an alternative educational setting for more than 10 consecutive days (§ 20-11(n1)) for committing one of the following infractions after the student's 14th birthday or during (July 1 of) or after 8th grade:

      • The possession or sale of an alcoholic beverage or an illegal controlled substance on school property.
      • The bringing, possession, or use on school property of a weapon or firearm that resulted in disciplinary action under G.S. 115C-390.10 or that could have resulted in that disciplinary action if the conduct had occurred in a public school.
      • The physical assault on a teacher or other school personnel on school property.
    3. Not making adequate academic progress: At the end of each semester, students not passing 70% of the maximum possible courses are identified. Parents are notified that the student is not making adequate academic progress and have the option of submitting a hardship request to the principal or principal’s designee to maintain the student’s Driving Eligibility status. Once a student’s license is revoked for failure to make adequate academic progress; the student’s academic record will be evaluated at the end of the next grading period for possible reinstatement of the driving license.

    Under the Lose Control/Lose License guidelines, the Driving Eligibility Certificate is revoked for one year. Unlike the Dropout Prevention guidelines that end when a student turns age 18, the revocation of a Driving Eligibility Certificate for disciplinary action can extend beyond age 18 if the disciplinary action took place during the time the student was age 17.