Email Signature Standards

  • In order to maintain the Union County Public Schools brand and improve communication, it is important that all employees follow district email signature guidelines.

    • Employees are allowed to display professional credentials in their email signature after their name. Credentials must be related to the employee’s position and may include a professional license, academic degree, accreditation, etc.
    • Please note: If a position requires additional statements following their email signature, such statements must be approved by the employee’s supervisor.
    • The following signature format should be applied to the bottom of all emails. All users of the UCPS email system must adhere to these standards. Directions for setting up your email signatures can be found at the bottom of this page.

    Email Signature Examples

    Do not copy and paste the signatures below.

    • Please read the directions carefully before you try to change your signature.
    • The font must be Arial—12 or 14.
    • The color of the entire signature must be black. This applies to Central Services and school employees.
    • District cell phone numbers are optional.
    • Only approved district-run social media pages for schools or departments are allowed. (Use links from school/district website).
    • Links to Canvas pages are allowed. Teachers should use the website tab in the UCPS Employee Directory.
    • Please include information about the NC Public Records law and non-discrimination statement in your signature.

Central Services Employee

  • Taylor Jonas, PHS

    Union County Public Schools
    400 N. Church St. 
    Monroe, NC 28112

    P: 704-555-4000, ext. 9999
    F: 704-555-2417
    C: 704-555-6868 

    Add (District Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Links)

    All email correspondence to and from this address is subject to public review under the NC Public Records Law. As a result, all messages may be monitored by and disclosed to third parties. In compliance with federal law, Union County Public School System administers all educational programs, employment activities, and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

School Employee

  • Rodney Gillespie, Ed.D.

    Monroe High
    1 High School Drive
    Monroe, NC 28112

    P: 704-555-2505
    F: 704-555-2578

    Add (School FB, Twitter and Instagram links)

    All email correspondence to and from this address is subject to public review under the NC Public Records Law. As a result, all messages may be monitored by and disclosed to third parties. In compliance with federal law, Union County Public School System administers all educational programs, employment activities, and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service, disability, or gender, except where exemption is appropriate and allowed by law and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

  • The following is unacceptable in an email signature. This is not an exhaustive list.

    • The UCPS logo is not permitted.
    • No prefixes—Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs.
    • No suffixes—except for professional credentials as identified above
    • Spam
    • Personal philosophies, phrases, and/or slogans
    • Links to websites other than UCPS, district schools/departments or teacher class sites
    • Changing of alignment, styles, indentions, extra spacing and additional colors
    • Graphics, photos, emojis or background imagery

    Outlook Email Signature Setup

    Please Google how to set up your email signature based on the web browser you are using.

    Should you have questions about a particular browser, please submit a Technology Services Help Desk ticket.